The ambassador Babich and his demise

Lukashenko has got one year to think about the integration process in return for Babich’s removal and Putin gave him a promise not interfering with Belarussian domestic affairs. Babichs actions were unheard as his visited regions, meeting with locals has felt like being a governor that has exercised a parallel power in Belarus as his tone was mentoring and Moscow gave a sign of its claims on Belarus.

Russian influence on Belarussian politics

Belarussian media propaganda creates an image of on external threat and also a the threat coming from internal opposition. Some explain, presidents decision about dismissing of the leadership of the pro-governmental media, first by adapting to modern media, as to avoid the form of Russian copying bad reputed Russian channels, sliding down into bottom. He also gave the order by emphasizing that he likes to watch only Belarussian channels and he is “nationalist” on this matter.

Pashinyans New Armenia

Armenia insists on his representatives continues to be the head of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (ODKB), 2020. This rule is adopted since 2015. Since 2017 served at the office of the general secretary general Khachaturyan. Lukashenko raised this appointment of the new Secretary in the meeting with Azerbaijani ambassador in Minsk, which uproared Armenia since Azerbaijan is not the member state of ODKB.