Russian influence on Belarussian politics

Veröffentlicht am: 10 September 2017 | Online: 04 February 2024
Belarussian media propaganda creates an image of on external threat and also a the threat coming from internal opposition. Some explain, presidents decision about dismissing of the leadership of the pro-governmental media, first by adapting to modern media, as to avoid the form of Russian copying bad reputed Russian channels, sliding down into bottom. He also gave the order by emphasizing that he likes to watch only Belarussian channels and he is “nationalist” on this matter.
Russian fake news

Russian influence on Belarussian politics

Telegram channels provide news about chaotic West and driving force behind propaganda is Sputnik Belarus. They aim buying access to accounts in social networks, advertising campaigns in them on pro-Russian or integration resources. The propaganda on Russian world in positive light is mostly played out on state Belarussian channels. Mostly they comprise Russian soap operas, as they take up 70% of prime time on televisions. Russian centrist news go on three levels, such as political statements, declarations, on global level Russia is presented as generator of harmony and order, while on the other side stands a chaotic Europe, which is unable to rule within its borders. On the third level, it is the level where Russian influence is exerted over entertaining programs and soap operas. Russian entertainment should link Belarus to cultural space in its East neighborhood. “USSR, common history, common memory, Russia and Belarus against all, there is no alternatives to the Russian-Belarussian cooperation, we are brothers, but we should pal around better, Europe symbolizes anarchy, look at yellow vests in France, Europe is decaying” - are topics of Belarussian state media, when they ultimately project it on Ukraine as to prove that there may happen to be domestic actors to shake our stability. “You may see Paris, but get murdered or wounded or beaten as well, and that what they attempted to plant also in Belarus, now backlashes them and those human rights organizations do not react at all” are quotes from those media. The point is about creating Russian-centrism in Belarussian information space and the biggest contributors are Belarussian Tv channels.

The coverage of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict in Belarus is mainly carried out either by independent Belarusian media or by Russian media. The official media try to avoid this topic and mainly mention it in the context of describing the diplomatic efforts of Belarus in the region. Independent media generally hold the same view on the Ukrainian conflict as the international community. However, there are also Pro-Russian platforms with an appropriate position on the conflict. One of the biggest internet sale portal sells books about Ukrainian events, by separatist author like Igor Strelkov. Books on Russian version of “Holodomor”, on Ukraine and Russian relations, on illusion of freedom in Ukraine are available in many Belarussian stores.

In Belarus, Russian channels broadcast with one hour delay, as they showed once Lukashenko in bad character, as to prevent live broadcasting. This rule exists since 2010, since the movie on Lukashenko by NTV, “God Father Batka”. The content of broadcasted Russian television in Belarus is under strict control and gains time to time cut off. Russia has wanted to alter the situation in its favor, while it began to distribute its satellite dishes belonging to “Rossotrudnichestvo” (Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation). Dishes are called “Trikolor Tv”, and are prevalent in schools, in regional institutions. Mass watcher has access only to hybrid channels, such as ONT or NTV-Belarus, which includes Belarussian contents. Russian First Channel, Life News and turned very critical eye on creeping Belarusization, while the government wants to have its sovereignty on this issue.

A new massive appearance in Belarus is pseudo-regional internet resources reporting allegedly the life of Belarussian regions. They are created and steered directly by Russia and advocate the ideals of Russian world. They are “Nash Gomel’”, “Vit’bich”, “Berestie News”, “”. Mogilev become a center of pro-Russian forces. Belarussian Christian Democratic Party vouched for cancellation of these channels. There are local branches of Russian nationalistic organizations, such as “NOD”, “RNE”, “ANB”, NBP”. Some of those organizations are partially banned in Russia, but permitted to work in Belarus. An organization called “Rumol”, Rus’ Molodaya”, which are registered as youth social cultural association but coordinated by International Association of Youth Russian Compatriots Organization in Belarus. Also, some formally ethno-cultural and educational organizations, such as “Belarussian Cossacks”, All-Belarussian Cossack Union”, “Cossack Horse-Riding Club “Ermak”, Military –Patriotic Club “Cossack Savior”, serve as paramilitary groups in case for beginning of active phase of occupation. Their financial support trace back to “Rossotrudnichestvi”, Fund of “Russian World”, Fund of Gorchakov, Institute of Russian Abroad, Russian Institute of Strategic Studies and Institute of CIS countries. In Russia, there are special journalists, pundits and analysts who are sheltered by various Russian institutions, universities, think tanks. They are Belarussian natives, but their function is to discredit Belarussian nation as non-existent and mostly punctuate issues about deteriorating Russian-Belarussian relations, increasing Polish influence in Belarus such as restoration of Polish architecture in Belarus, or state comments like “the Union with Catholic Church is ready and needs to be signed up”  and so on. They mostly publish their contributions in IA Rex, “Fond of Strategic Culture”, “Geopolitika”, “Vzglyad”, KM.RU and IA “Regnum”. They, Andrej Suzdaltsev, Pavel Sheremet, Nikolay Radov, Yuri Baranchik are used in these propaganda wars.

In February, a striking case in Belarussian defense shielding against Russian propaganda is the UA TV’s appearance on Belarussian television space. This is a Ukrainian media established to counter Russian media influence. This is declared by Ministry of Information as result of common works between Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. A counterpart from Ukrainian side is deputy director of committee of Ukrainian Rada Igor Guzy. UA TV broadcasts in two languages Russian and English.

Russia understands that it is not cost-benefitting to annex Belarus, so main priority why there are talks on “forced integration” since 13 december 2018 Medevedev integration ultimatum, is to gain control on military and economic assets. According to our information, a new proposal has come from the Kremlin, as to appoint Lukashenko the prime minister of the united state with Russia. This is interpreted as a concession to him, since the offer is about not “governor-general of a region” called Belarus. This might reset officially current terms of both rulers, as Lukashenko and Putin. What may obstructs Lukashenko in it is that he might not be able to give guarantees to his officialdom.

In Belarus, many dream about Russian salaries. The government achieved little growth in the economy, but this growth is very uneven and is accompanied by increased inequality. More frequent are local crises, with which the government does not know what to do. For example, despite tougher legislation on mass events, workers of the construction of a battery plant in Brest have been holding unauthorized protests. Although only a couple of hundred people participate in them, the authorities do not dare to use force against demonstrators.