Belarus and Propaganda of Russian World

The main strategy is to create the impression as if Belarus acted against the interests of Russia, while now asks for excuse. Cyber-attacks have occurred one year ago, when they cracked the twitter account by Minsk, Mogilev and Gomel central police offices and they always had a content about “Belarus-Russian relations”.

Reporting on Transnational Repression

Our second report on transnational repression, Defending Democracy in Exile, includes four essays that investigate new trends, describe best and worst practices among host country governments, explain the role of international organizations in confronting transnational repression, and demonstrate the importance of countering digital tactics. The report also features case studies on policy responses to transnational repression in nine important host countries.

Protecting Eden, or the Dark New Geopolitics of “Fortress Europe”

The 2022 World Cup has been dominating global news, and no one is missing the Russian team among the 32 participating nations, unlike, for instance, Italy or Egypt. Neither has Moscow said anything regarding the controversies surrounding this paramount sporting event in Qatar (Novayagazeta,eu, November 25).